Get Involved
Summer job openings for 2025 are listed below. Click for the full job description and requirements.
Click here to apply online!
Become a Park Volunteer
- Clean off Trails - especially in autumn
- Trail cleanup after storms
- Prepare newsletter to mail - apply labels, stickers, and stamps
- Stacking firewood at Maple Wood
- Help with special events - Maple Syrup Days, Not so Spooky Trail, and more!
- Maple Syrup Days - preparing, during event, and after cleanup
Friends of LaGrange County Parks
- The best way to volunteer -- Become a member of Friends of LaGrange County Parks.
- This group is instrumental in obtaining grants, holding fundraising events, and assisting with park events.
- Meets monthly - not required but helpful
- Friends Application.
Be a sponsor
The Parks Dept. hosts a few annual events that are dependent on generous sponsors to provide valuable family education, entertainment, and outdoor recreation opportunities. Individuals, families, community service groups, and businesses are welcome as valued sponsors. Sponsorship shows the community what resources you value and allows you to share in something that benefits our community. Current sponsor-driven events and programs include:
- Maple Syrup Days - sponsor funds are used for horse-drawn wagon rides, program entertainment, and educational interpreters. This is a decades-long community favorite that draws over 3000 visitors over a 2-day event from all over!
- FeNGke 5K Fun Run & Walk - sponsor funds are used to provide supplies needed for the event. The remaining funds are used for trail and habitat maintenance in the Mike Metz Fen.
- Not so Spooky Trail - sponsor funds are used for horse-drawn wagon rides through the Not-so-Spooky Trail, program supplies, and maintaining props along the trail. This program is geared for young children and provides interactive activities, crafts, and games for them to enjoy.
- Trail of Lights - sponsor funds are used to purchase, create, and/or update display props used along the holiday walking trail. This was new in 2024 and we look forward to gaining new sponsors to create a cherished family tradition as soon as possible. We would also consider groups being present to provide and sponsor a specific "something" on each night of the event. For example, a "Hot Chocolate Station", or a "Cookie Station", or pass-out candy canes. We are open for ideas to be approved by the park board.
- Memorial Donations - We have always been grateful to receive monetary donations in memory of a loved one. You may specify a project/event listed below "Monetary Donations" if desired.
- Memorial Benches - A one-time gift will go to purchase a memorial bench, engrave a plaque, and place it in one of our county parks, in memory of a loved one. Find more information in the Memorial Bench Policy & Application.

Do you have, or have you inherited, a property that would be suitable as a LaGrange County Park? Or, maybe you have a property that you could leave to the Parks Department through a will. This is how our Parks Department began, with property donated for public use and enjoyment!
Contact the Park Office with questions or for more information.
Monetary donations may be shared at any time! Every donation is appreciated, whether a small donation or a business donation, it all adds up to success. You are welcome to specify a current project or event that you would like to support. Otherwise, all donations are used toward priority projects & events.
Here is a list of 2025 events and projects, in no particular order, that we are saving for now!
- "LaGrange County Connecting with Youth" Event -- Annual youth event each summer. This provides an opportunity for positive interactions between our community youth and local law enforcement and community resources. We need door prizes suitable for youth in grades 6-12! Both monetary donations and/or item donations are accepted.
- Trail Maintenance -- An ongoing mission to maintain the quality of trail surfaces for nearly 10 miles of trails and boardwalks. Limestone is needed to topcoat thinning areas. Boardwalk repair is needed as lumber deteriorates.
- Not So Spooky Trail at Maple Wood Nature Center -- A fall family favorite event for young children! Financial support is requested to fund the wagon rides through the woods and to purchase/create permanent props that are placed along the trail for this event. Annual resources needed $1,500.
- Playground Equipment -- Delt Church Park Playground is always in need of funds to pay for equipment replacement. Dallas Lake Park needs new accessible playground equipment. Estimate $500,000.
- Trail of Lights -- Delt Church Park is the location of a new 2024 holiday light walking trail. We want to expand our displays and create something special for families to enjoy each year.
Donations may be mailed to the park office or given online HERE. Under "Purpose of Payment", enter "Donation" and, if desired, enter a specific project or event. A receipt will be issued.
Park Hours
- Summer Hours: May 1-Labor Day 8:00 am-9:00 pm.
- Winter Hours: Labor Day-April 30 8:00 am- Legal Sunset.
- Park Office: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-12:00 noon, and 12:30 pm-3:30 pm.
Park and Facility Rules